8 Things That You Need To Know Before Hair Straightening

Posted by Usama Tariq on

Hair straightening is a process that is used for flattening and straightening hair through different procedures and techniques. People often use heat tools like hair straighteners and blowers. Hair straightening looks great but it has a lot of side effects that can not be negotatiated. There are a lot of factors that should be kept in mind when we decide to go for hair straightening.

Here are the major points you should take care of before, after, or during the hair straightening process.

  1. Is it better to straighten hair when wet or dry?

It is better to straighten hair when it is 80 to 90% dry. Wet hair is more prone to damage. Hydrogen bonds give hair its natural shape. When hair is wet, the water weakens those hydrogen bonds. Applying heat to wet hair makes the hair cuticles weak and more susceptible to damage. It is better if you dry your hair first, then go for straightening.

hair straightening

  1. What happens when you straighten wet hair?

Straightening wet hair is like doing disaster. When you use the hot iron on wet hair, the heat makes the water trapped in the cortex turn into steam. It swells the cuticle creating a boiling effect on hair. Ironing wet hair disturbs the natural protein in the hair shaft by weakening hydrogen bonds. This process causes excessive damage, hair breakage, and split ends. Consider using non-heat styling methods or straighten your hair once in a while with full precautions.

Hair straightening on wet hair

  1. How often should I straighten my hair in a week?

If you want to maintain your hair health, avoid frequent hair straightening. You should do your hair straightening just once or twice a week. Overdoing it can lead to dryness, hair breakage, and loss of natural shine. And if you have colored your hair, straightening hair can be a bad idea. It can dull the color. If you wish to stop hair color fading, skip using heat styling tools. To give your hair some rest, you can opt for other non-heat styling methods on alternate days.

How often we should straight hair

  1. Can I oil my hair after straightening?

Yes, you can oil your hair after straightening. If you desire to use oil, use it in little amounts so that it doesn’t weigh down your hair and make it look greasy. Use a lightweight oil and make sure your hair is completely cool before you apply it. Take a few drops of oil and spread it evenly to the ends of your hair. Applying oil on the length ends will add some moisture and reduce frizz from hair. Do not apply too much oil and avoid pouring it on the scalp I you naturally have oily hair.

Oil after hair straightening

  1. What should I apply before straightening my hair?

You must apply a heat-protectant product before you straighten your hair. Choose a heat protectant spray or serum that is specifically designed for heat-styling tools. Heat protectant act as a barrier between the hair and the heat prevents the burning of hair. It reduces the amount of damage the heat can do. Heat protectants help to lock moisture, and prevent dryness, frizz, and split ends. You should apply the product evenly through your hair, and comb it through to ensure thorough coverage.

Hair Serum

  1. Which oil/serum is best for hair straightening?

When choosing an oil or serum for hair straightening, look for lightweight, heat-resistant products that won't weigh your hair down. Argan oil, Morrocon, and Aloe vera are popular choices as they offer heat protection and help to tame frizz. Eazicare hair serum is specially designed for hair health. It has a strong mixture of argan oil and aloe vera extracts. That provides a defensive layer over hair. The layer prevents hair from heat damage. This serum also adds shine and sparkle to the hair and tame frizz.

Hair Serum

  1. Should I let my hair dry naturally before straightening?

Yes. You should let your hair dry naturally. Make sure your hair is 80 to 90% dry before you straighten your hair. Straightening wet hair can damage them badly. If it’s an emergency situation use a blow dryer on a low or cool setting. If you are planning to blow dry hair, don’t forget to use the serum for protecting hair from heat.

Dry hair naturally

  1. When not to straighten hair?

There are certain circumstances when you should avoid straightening your hair:

  • Directly after shower:

    Never straighten your hair with a heat tool right after coming out of the shower. Straightening wet hair is extremely damaging and harmful for your hair.
  • Without heat protectant:

    Do not use a straightener directly on hair. First, apply a heat-protecting serum that creates a protective barrier between heat and the hair. Use the straightener at a low temperature if you have fragile hair and at a moderate temperature if you have normal hair.
  • When your hair is damaged:

    If your hair is damaged from coloring or any chemical treatment, avoid using hair straighteners. It will ruin your hair more. Focus on repairing the damaged hair by using treatments like Eaziplex. It will bind the broken hair bonds and improve the condition of hair for future styling.
  • If you have chemically treated hair:

    Your hair becomes more prone to damage when it undergoes a chemical treatment. Avoid heat styling for a while and focus on improving hair condition.
  • In humid weather:

    Straightened hair is more prone to frizz, and humid conditions can make it even worse. Consider alternative hairstyles or use anti-frizz products like serums to manage your hair during humid weather.
  • Frequent hair straightening:

    Avoid hair straightening on a regular basis. Do it once in a while like once a week to keep hair healthy.

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