Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Treatments

Posted by Usama Tariq on

In the modern era, where people find dirt more than oxygen in the air. In modern ages where people like to get their natural hair and want to restore the shine of their hair. In order to do that hair treatments are mandatory, and people make choices. Some of them make good choices but majority of them totally ruins their hair with bad hair treatments or little mistakes they made in during process. 

Eazicolor always comes to aid when people find it difficult to manage. The persons who were facing hair problems and used hair treatments to overcome those problems asked a few questions. Here are the solutions of those answers.

  1. Which hair treatments make hair strong?

Hair treatment that helps to make hair strong include:

  • Bond building treatment

    Bond building treatment aims to repair and fix damaged hair. Bad-quality hair colors and intense hair treatments often destroy the fiber bonds in the hair. Such hair demands a safe and healing treatment. Eaziplex is an innovative hair treatment that heals hair damage and repairs broken fiber bonds. It strengthens and improves the overall condition of hair. Eaziplex works great on colored hair. It makes the hair strong, prevents damage, and prolongs the life of hair color.
  • Keratin hair treatment

    Keratin treatments are popular for smoothing and strengthening the hair. They involve the application of a keratin-based product. Keratin product helps to fill in gaps in the hair shaft, reducing frizz and making the hair appear healthier. Eazistraight keratin hair treatment carefully deposits the essential amount of keratin protein in the cortex of the hair, where there is a loss of keratin. Keratin treatment repairs the hair and fights frizz. It makes hair resilient and brings shine to dull tresses.
  • Deep conditioning treatments

    This hair treatment consists of conditioning elements to hydrate the hair. It provides intense hydration and nourishment to the hair. Eazicare’s intensive deep-repair hair mask promises to make your hair healthy smooth and shiny. It consists of rich extracts of argan oil and aloe vera gel that feeds chemically harmed and dull hair. The mask levels the dampness balance of the hair. You must go for deep conditioning treatment once a week.
  • Protein treatments

    Protein hair treatments restore and strengthen the protein structure of the hair. Home-made protein treatment includes egg and yogurt masks. The protein present in the egg and the moisturizing elements of yogurt do wonders for the hair.


  1. Is keratin treatment safe?

Keratin treatment is safe if you do it the right way. When you know about keratin treatment, its benefits, precautions, and more, you will understand how safe it is. Its main purpose is fulfilling the need for lost protein. The right method, proper timings, and appropriate tools will make the treatment safe. Just make sure to get your hair treated by a professional for safe and quality results.

  1. Is keratin or straightening the same?

No, keratin and straightening are not the same. Keratin treatments involve applying a protein called keratin to the hair to reduce frizz and improve manageability. Straightening treatments use heat or chemicals to permanently alter the hair's structure and make it straight.

  1. Which treatment is better keratin or rebonding?

Keratin is a protein treatment that infuses protein amino acids into the cortex of hair. It makes the hair healthy, smooth, and frizz-free. Keratin treatment treats hair but retains the natural hair’s structure that's why keratin is mandatory for your hair. Rebonding is a permanent straightening method. It first breaks the hair’s original bond and then re-arranges it to straighten it. This process of breaking bonds and altering the hair’s natural structure is extremely damaging to hair health. It results in hair loss, hair breakage, and more frizz. And when the new hair grows, the treated hair remains straight. This creates a noticeable contrast. Keratin is better than rebonding because keratin treatment maintains hair health by infusing healthy proteins. It does not alter the hair’s natural structure.

  1. What are the side effects of keratin treatment?

Keratin treatment doesn’t have any serious side effects. It may cause some mild allergic reactions like watery, itchy eyes, skin rash, cough, or headaches.

  1. How long does keratin last?

The duration of a keratin treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the specific product used, hair type, and individual hair care routine. Keratin treatment can last anywhere from 2 to 6 months on average. Eazistraight keratin treatment lasts up to 6-7 months. Proper hair care maintenance is the key to lasting keratin treatment. Keratin-infused or sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners assist in extending the results of a keratin treatment.

  1. How many hours it takes to undergo a keratin procedure?

The time duration of a keratin treatment session can take anywhere between 1.5 to 3 hours. The time span depends on the following factors:

  • Skill of technician
  • Length of your hair
  • Thickness of your hair and
  • The product used

It's best to consult a professional stylist who can give you a more accurate timeframe based on your specific hair type and the treatment being used.

  1. Which treatment is best for frizzy and dry hair?

Keratin Treatment is best for frizzy and dry hair. Keratin treatments smoothen and reduce frizz by replenishing the protein in the hair. They can make the hair more manageable, improve shine, and reduce styling time.

  1. When should you wash your hair after taking a keratin treatment?

You should wait for 3 days or 72 hours after taking keratin treatment. This time period helps keratin to absorb in the hair shafts. After three days you can wash your hair with keratin-filled shampoo.

  1. Can you dye hair after keratin?

When you take a keratin treatment, it is better to wait at least two weeks before coloring your hair. Coloring hair immediately after the treatment can strip away the keratin from the hair. The dye on treated hair doesn’t look fresh, it forms an uneven, brassy, patchy appearance. Give hair some time to rest after the treatment to avoid any inconvenience.

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