Why keratin is mandatory for hair? | How to restore keratin in hair?

Posted by Usama Tariq on

In the realm of beauty, keratin is well known. From skincare to hair care, the market is flooded with a variety of items. As it turns out, it helps maintain healthy skin in addition to strengthening and repairing hair.

But what exactly is keratin?

It is one of the essential blocks of the body. It is the type of protein that makes your hair, nails, and skin. In comparison to other cell types your body makes, this is a protective protein that is less likely to scratch or tear.


Protein for hair:

All those shiny, glossy soft hair that you see people flaunting is a blessing of keratin. It makes hair smooth, healthy, and easier to manage. On the other hand, when this protein in our hair gets worn out due to any internal or external factor, the loss of it makes our hair strands porous. The more porous a hair, the frizzier and dull it gets. The hair becomes very brittle and prone to damage and hair fall. Moreover, It protects your hair structure from daily stress by flattening out the layers of cells that overlap to form your hair strands.

Keratin for hair

How hair loses its natural protein:

You lose your natural protein due to external and internal factors.

External factors include:

  • Overuse of heat protecting tools
  • Using bad quality hair colors
  • More exposure to sunlight
  • Chlorine water
  • Bad hair care routine
  • Polluted and humid weather
  • Lack of hot hair massage
  • Chemical treatments

Internal factors:

  • Low intake of water
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise
  • Anaemia
  • Post pregnancy
  • Other diseases

All these external and internal factors affect the natural protein in your hair and make them dry, brittle, and damaged.  

How can you revive keratin protein in your hair?

Remember and always remember, that beauty starts from within. To fix anything from outwards, you need to focus on the inward.

  • Importance of staying hydrated:

Never underestimate the power of water. We all know water is life then why do we forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and healthy? Lack of hydration becomes the root cause of many problems. As for the hair, it makes them look dry and dull. We need to drink plenty of water to keep our hair fresh and pretty.

Stay hydrated

  • Role of diet in supporting protein in hair:

A balanced diet, which has a big impact on hair health, saves their natural protein and prevents hair loss. You should include nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin D, antioxidants, niacin, and biotin in your diet to promote the growth and beauty of healthy hair. All these vitamins and minerals are found in fruits, eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and fatty fish.

Role of diet in your hair growth

  • Maintain a good hair care routine to preserve natural protein in hair:

A good hair care routine can do wonders with your hair. To preserve natural protein in your hair, along with a healthy diet, you must take good care of your hair. You should go for those hair products that contain protein in them like keratin filled shampoos and conditioners. Products that contain protein can change your hair mane. Eazicare makes keratin complex shampoo and conditioners based on the protein amino complex. Both comprise protein amino acids to preserve healthy proteins in your hair.

A good hair care routine

There's one thing you should always keep in mind. Your hair care routine should be according to your hair type. If you have extremely oily hair, then you must wash your hair often and concentrate more on keratin filled shampoo like Eazicare keratin complex shampoo or sulfate free shampoo like Eazicare Ph-6 sulfate free shampoo that targets the scalp area. If you have dry hair on the other hand, then you must use keratin-filled conditioner more often to keep hair soft and smooth.

Eazicare keratin complex shampoo

Now if you’re a fan of dead straight or loose curls and you just can’t give up using styling tools, then you must apply heat protectant serum or spray to your hair to avoid losing all your natural protein. And what if someone tells you that you need to get a hair serum that offers a defensive layer over your hair and provides extra shine as well, what will be your reaction? Eazicare hair serum is all you need in this regard.

Eazicare hair serum

  • Make use of hair masks to keep hair healthy:

Hair masks play a big role in restoring the lost protein in hair. Your hair needs nutrients on a daily basis. Hair masks act as food for hair. It not only provides nutrients to hair but also repairs hair and keeps them highly moisturized. The Eazicare intensive deep repair hair mask is made with solid nourishing properties, with Argan oil and American Aloe Vera extracts that help to preserve natural proteins in hair. It has deep repairing properties. If there’s an important event you want to attend and you’re experiencing a bad hair day, know that a hair mask has the ability to give an instant moisturizing and shiny effect. So you’ll be good to go.

Eazicare hair mask

Keratin treatment, a blessing for hair:

If your hair has become extremely damaged and lost most of its natural protein and you have lost all hope, then you must go for this treatment and see its magic. This treatment is an artificial method that blesses your hair with moisture and smoothness. Eazistraight keratin treatment is designed in a way that carefully deposits the essential amount of protein in the cortex of the hair, where there is a loss of hair protein. Keratin treatments have the power to fight frizz and reverse the chemical damage done to hair. It leaves hair with a sleek and breathtaking look.

Keratin treatment

Pro Tips:

  • Avoid washing hair with hot water no matter how much you love hot showers and warm baths. Wash your hair with lukewarm water so that you don’t lose your natural protein.
  • Don’t wash your hair with cheap shampoos.
  • Never skip conditioner. It’s a game changer when you want to keep your hair moisturized.
  • Use egg, and yogurt masks at home. It gives the essential protein to your hair and keeps them healthy.
  • Take biotin and essential hair supplements.

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