How to improve hair growth?

Posted by Usama Tariq on

The quest for luscious locks! Healthy hair is indeed everybody’s dream. Since it is responsible for 90% of our overall beauty, we desire to have the most beautiful version of our hair. No matter if it’s surprisingly curly, or amazingly straight, the health and the hair growth are what matters the most. You can swirl your enchanting curls and sway your straight strands as long as they are in good health and shape. So, how can you possibly hold the magic wand in your own hands and alter the condition of your hair, making them boom with health and beauty? By simply taking good care of your hair.

We all know genetics play an important role in your hair health game but you can always choose to improve the condition of your hair by following a good hair care routine.

Remember beauty starts from within. To make your hair healthy and strong, you need to first watch out for the food that you take in your tummy.

Foods that improve hair growth

  1. How a protein helps to boost hair growth:

Do you know that our hair is made of 95% protein? Are you consuming enough protein to maintain your health? If not, then this should be the first step in your hair care regimen if you want good hair growth. Let us tell you which food will help in your hair growth.

Protien healing hair

  • Eggs: Trust us when we say that eggs are your best friends when it comes to healthy hair. Eggs are the powerhouse of protein. They are a great source of biotin and vitamin B. It not only strengthens your hair but also your nails. A great beauty food.
  • Chicken: Chicken is a very good source of vitamin B that contains the much-needed biotin and niacin, responsible for nourishing your hair.
  • Lentils: If you are vegetarian, you can eat lentils for consuming protein.


  1. Why Omega-3 is good for hair:

Omega-3 is a must-have if you want to keep your scalp condition healthy and clean.

  • Salmon: Salmon, oh salmon, it’s not just a tasty dish but is a great hair growth booster. It is rich in omega-3 and vitamin D which promotes healthy follicles and stops hair fall. You can grill, smoke or bake salmon and flaunt your shiny hair.

Omega 3 in fish


  1. Why iron is essential for hair growth:

How can you possibly underestimate the power of iron when it comes to your hair growth and hair care regimen? It is iron that carries oxygen to our hair follicles. It totally has the power to make or break your hair care routine. There is plenty of food that is rich in iron and will significantly improve your hair growth.

  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish

Vegetarian? No issues, here are your options:

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Spinach

Surprisingly dark chocolate is also rich in iron. So now you have one more reason to fulfill your chocolate cravings.

Iron in eatables

Pro tip: Don’t forget to add supplements and vitamins to your diet as a part of hair care.

How to maintain a healthy hair care routine?

  1. Why washing hair is so important:

Now that you know how to stimulate hair growth, you should learn how to maintain its health. So, after a healthy diet, comes a healthy hair care routine. All the nutrition goes down the drain if you don’t take good care of your hair. Healthy hair care starts right from washing your hair in the right way with the right products.

Hair Wash


  • Why should you use sulphate free shampoos:

Take a U-turn from shampoos containing harmful ingredients. Why look for them when you have shampoos free of sulfates, silicone, and parabens? Think smart. Eazicare offers a lightweight hydrating recipe that leaves the hair with a smooth and sparkly completion, Eazicare PH-6 sulfate-free shampoo. It also has hydrolyzed keratin that soothes parched strands by imbuing it with the supplements a hair needs to clutch dampness.

Sulfate free shampoo


  • How keratin filled shampoos promote hair health:

Let us tell you about the power of keratin shampoos. Do you know the protein we previously talked about that makes up 90% of your hair is called keratin? Well, you know it now! Keratin keeps your hair shiny and pretty but exposure to chemicals, heat, or pollution strips the hair of its keratin, ultimately damaging the hair’s health. Here’s where keratin shampoos come into play. It refills our hair’s natural protein. Eazicare comes with a keratin complex shampoo specially made for dry, damaged hair. It is based on the keratin amino complex which reaches the cortex of the hair while strengthening the hair surface and working to repair damaged hair by bonding with the hair cuticle.

Keratin Complex Shampoo


  1. How conditioners make your hair pretty:

To have a more natural luster in your hair, you need nourished and smooth hair. And how can you bring smoothness and natural shine to your hair? Definitely through conditioning.

  • Keratin conditioners:

Conditioners that have keratin in them help to put back the lost protein in your hair. Keratin conditioner is one of the best hair care products that give your hair a super smooth look by subsiding the frizz.  That’s why Eazicare brings a keratin complex conditioner that comprises keratin amino acid which re-establishes hair texture and improves hair strength.

Keratin complex conditioner


  • Deep conditioning hair masks:

If you want a deep hydrating, nourishing, and maintaining recipe for your hair then look no further than a hair mask. It gives powerful protection from split ends and hair breakage.  Eazicare has produced an intensive deep repair hair mask that saturates dull hair, feeds chemically harmed hair, and gives flexibility to over-stress hair. It is the "All in one solution" with American Aloe Vera and Argan Oil. What a great treat for your hair!

Hair Mask


  1. How can you protect your hair from harsh environment:

You must protect your hair from the harsh environment and heat styling tools for good hair growth. Where will all the effort made for the hair growth go when it simply gets destroyed by the heated tools and harsh outer environment?

  • Hair serums:

Serums are a nice way to coat your hair. You can use it as a heat protectant before styling your hair with a tool. It also eliminates frizz by weighing your hair down with healthy oil extracts.  It gives shine and a sparkly look to the hair. Eazicare brings a lot of care with it. Eazicare hair serum is a oil type treatment that contains the natural mixtures like Aloe Vera and Argan oil. This hair serum can make a defensive layer over your hair. This can help with rehydrating, frizz control, and smoothing hair.

Hair Serum


  1. How to repair hair bonds:

There are protein-rich formulas designed out there for hair that gets damaged by either over-processing of bleach or simply by extreme heat styling.

  • Bond builders

They bring hair back to its healthy, fresh state. It is a must-have for good hair growth and hair care if your hair is damaged. Eaziplex has a special bond builder to improve the quality of your damaged hair. It boosts hair growth by building and repairing sulfate bonds within the cortex of the hair. Bond builder repairs the broken bond of hair and provides your hair with good strength. It is prone to breakage.

Bond Builder


Home therapies:

We have a number of healthy home therapies for your hair growth.

Onion juice:

You will forget about all those tears you have shed while cutting onion when you’ll learn about the power of having onion in your hair care regimen. Do you know sulphur is important for the regrowth of hair follicles? You have any idea how you can use it for your hair? It’s simple. Extract onion juice and apply it all over your scalp and roots. The sulphur present in onion juice will prevent hair thinning and hair breakage. Not just that but it also prevents premature greying of hair as it contains powerful antioxidants. It is great for healthy hair growth.

Onion Juice


Homemade clarified butter:

You will do yourself a big favor if you add clarified butter to your hair care regimen. It is a very good source of vitamin E. Add almond oil to the butter and apply it all over your hair. It will do wonders by deep conditioning your hair and ultimately promoting hair growth.

Clarified butter


Egg mask:

Egg mask is being used for ages. It is a very old and traditional method of promoting hair growth. Egg provides the essential proteins that our hair need. When you make a mixture of egg, yogurt, and any essential oil, you’re likely preparing a magical recipe. Yogurt will address hair breakage, the oil will promote hair growth and the egg will give mineral and vitamin recovery. You won’t ever regret using this recipe in your hair care routine.

Egg Mask


Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera contains all the essential A, E, and C vitamins. It all helps in promoting hair cell turnover. It contributes a healthy cell growth and beautiful hair. All you need to do is, extract some aloe vera, mix it with water, grind, and apply it to all of your hair. Then wash it off after 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera


  • Pro tip: Never compromise on regular exercises, plenty of water consumption and and hot oil massages.

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